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Digital Forensics Services

From acquiring evidence, to analyzing data and exporting deliverables to our clients, DFI Forensics uses the best tools in the industry to get the job done right for you.

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Computers and Laptops

The technological advancement of the personal computer has been exceedingly fast and prolific. The home and office personal computer has gotten smaller, lighter, more powerful and lightning fast. This has resulted in more people than ever before having one or more work and home PC or laptop.


Acquiring digital evidence in a forensically sound manner from a Windows or Apple computer’s volatile and non-volatile memory is the key to a successful investigation and the admissibility of the findings in Court.

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Cellphones and Tablets

Smartphones and tablets and smaller, lighter and more powerful than ever.  Consequently, they are being used by more people, more often and for more things that ever before.


These devices are a common source of digital evidence in our investigations and can produce an enormous amount of valuable information in a variety of contexts. Expert advice is necessary for our clients due to the way in which mobile devices collect and store data and important records.


Digital Evidence Sources

There are many sources of digital evidence that regularly arise in our investigations.  

Email Analysis


Cloud & Internet

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